Links go to downloadable documents (PDFs or MSA(r) Word), or webpages. When pages are off this website, they open in separate windows. Items with + will display additional info when mouse hovers over link. Many resources span the categories, so take a quick look through all as there may be just what you're looking for, but in a different place.
For Individuals, Families
Also see the Individuals/Families page for resource links not listed here.
Planning/Kit Tools
VEM Family Workbook
12 pages of info, checklists, and forms for families, pets, those with special needs. + (PDF)
- VT School Crisis Guide (Web)
- HSUS Disaster Planning for Animals (Web)
- Alt. Emergency Communications (Web)
- Pet ID Sheet (PDF)
- Emergency Water Supply (Web)
Red Cross: Preparedness Worksheets
48pgs; Intended as guide for those with disabilities, but excellent, easy to follow for everyone; has tips/info not in other workbooks, e.g. a weekly calendar for making supply purchases over 5-month period. + (PDF)
- Assemble Supplies a Bit At A Time 5 pgs; From the Red Cross guide above, but just the weekly supply-purchase plan. Easy to follow, change to suit your needs. Includes items of concern to those with disabilities. Helps by breaking down the project into smaller weekly chunks. + (PDF)
Other Resources
- Disaster Preparedness for your Animals (PDF)
- Food Safety (PDF)
- Shelter-In-Place What "shelter in place" means & how to do it. A 2-pg Red Cross publication. + (PDF)
Home Preparedness Checklist
A guide from the CDC and Dept. of Human Health Svcs. + (PDF)
- CERT (Web)
CERT Guidebook
Short overview of what CERT volunteers do, training, activation, and responsibilities; 6pgs. + (PDF)
Health/First Aid/Medical
- What is Pandemic Flu & How to Prepare (PDF)
- Home-Care During A Pandemic (PDF)
Advanced Directive Healthcare Forms
Make sure your wishes are made known if you are unable to communicate. Put together by the Vermont Ethics Network and accepted by the state and medical institutions statewide. There is a short version and a longer one. Covers end-of-life care, resuscitation wishes, burial/cremation, organ donation, and more. The State now has an online repository where you can place this doc for access by health-care providers, instead of having to mail a copy to every institution. + (Web)
- Mayo Clinic First Aid (Web)
- First Aid--Quick reference 2pg overview from Washington State EM; covers very basic considerations. Goes well with the "First Aid Guide" below. + (PDF)
- First Aid Guide From Johnson & Johnson; a multi-page guide to basic first aid: extreme heat/cold issues, wounds, bone breaks, etc; easy to follow + (PDF)
- Tips for Users of Life Support Systems (PDF)
- Preventing Illness During Emergencies (PDF)
- Learn CPR Online CPR instructions for helping adults/kids/pets; video & print-out formats (Web)
In Spanish
Also check the Individual/Family page for links not here.
- Learn CPR Online CPR instructions for helping adults & kids; videos & print-out formats + (Web)
- Carbon Monoxide (Web)
- HHS Health Info Finder (Web)
- Consumer Product Safety Commission Publications (Web, with PDFs)
- Shelter-In-Place What "shelter in place" means & how to do it. A 4-pg Red Cross publication. + (PDF)
Collection of PDFs in Spanish, relating to health, Em. Preparedness
- Winter Storms : tormenta-de-invierno
- Power Outage: Se-corto-la-energia-electrica
- Em Prep : Supply Kit ; Create a Family Plan (4pg); Numeros de Emergencia ; Plan-en-caso-de-emergencia (5pg)
- RedCross- PrepForEmerg
- Food & Water: A Agua-y-alimentos ; A Proteja-los-alimentos
- Getting-Medical-Care ; A Bone Fracture
- Medical Emergency: Dial 911 ; Medical Emergency Services ; Emergency Room
- Diabetes: A Basics ; Glucose
- Prevent Illness During Emergency
- Cuidados-para-la-gripe-pandemica
- ActivityBookForKids -Esp
For Businesses, Organizations
Also check the
resource links not listed here.
- Guide to VT Town Clerks and other municipal resources
Business Preparedness Workbook
Worksheets for businesses, includes guides for planning care for livestock. + (PDF)
IBHS Preparedness Workbook
Forms, checklists, tips, worksheets for preparing a business to weather a disaster. + (PDF)
- Business Preparedness Checklists (PDF)
Preparedness Checklist for Child-care Providers
CDC/HHS checklist & guide for child-care providers. + (PDF)
Haz-Mat Reporting Decision Flow Chart
Prepared by VEM, a simple flow chart to aid in hazardous materials reporting decisions. 1pg + (PDF)
First Aid Guide
From Johnson & Johnson; a multi-page guide to basic first aid: extreme heat/cold issues, wounds, bone breaks, etc; easy to follow + (PDF)
- Shelter-In-Place Plan for Businesses (PDF)
- Emergency Management Guide for Business Provides information on how to create and maintain a comprehensive emergency management program. It can be used by manufacturers, corporate offices, retailers, utilities or any organization where a sizable number of people work or gather. + (PDF)
- Preparing Livestock for Disaster + (PDF)
Health-care/Public Welfare
- Health education materials in a number of languages (Web)
- Nat'l DisAbility Org (Web)
Preparedness Services for the Disabled
+ (PDF)
Preparedness Checklist for Home Health-care Providers
4pgs, from CDC/HHS for public and private organizations that provide home health care services. + (PDF)
Red Cross: Preparedness for Those with Disabilities
48pgs; Intended as guide for those with disabilities, but excellent, easy to follow for everyone; has tips/info not in other workbooks. E.g. calendar for making supply purchases over 5-month period. + (PDF)
Advanced Directive Healthcare Forms
Make sure your wishes are made known if you are unable to communicate. Put together by the Vermont Ethics Network and accepted by the state and medical institutions statewide. There is a short version and a longer one. Covers end-of-life care, resuscitation wishes, burial/cremation, organ donation, and more. The State now has an online repository where you can place this doc for access by health-care providers, instead of having to mail a copy to every institution. + (Web)
For First Responders
- FirstNet a-a secure cell service for First Responders (PDF)
- CDC Emergency Response Resources (Web)
Emergency Medical Services Checklist
CDC/HHS checklist for providers of emergency medical services + (PDF)
Victim Triage Area
in Spanish (PDF) -
Responding to Victims with Disabilities
33pg booklet on how best to assist victims who are disabled. + (PDF)
- CERT Use CERT volunteers for traffic/crowd control, as on-scene scribes, to help set up triage, supply areas, wherever you need relief, so your crew can do the work it's trained for + (Web)
- VT Office of EMS A (Web)
- VT Communications Committee Part of DPS, responsible for implementing statewide interoperable voice/radio communications among responding agencies + "VCOMM" (Web)
Haz-Mat Emergency Response Guide
374 pg color-coded hazardous materials guide. Covers classifications, codes, placard identification, response guides by hazard, isolation/protective action distance tables & SOPs, and more. + (PDF)
print version available through ACEPC, contact Tim at 388-3141 - AFG Fire Grant Overview (Web)
- BioHazard Quick Ref (PDF)
- Chemical Hazards Quick Ref (PDF)
- FEMA NIMS/ICS Independent Study (Web)
- DHART (Web)
For Emergency Managers/Towns
- The Emergency Manager's Guide (Web)
- VT State Emergency Operations Plan (Web)
Basic Emergency Operation Plan template
Word template for town EOP, version 7/6/09. + (Word doc)
- Community Planning for Animals In A Disaster + (PDF)
- ARES Ham Radio operators, civil operation (Web)
- RACES Ham Radio; State/Federal operations (Web)
- Title 20 --Public Safety/Emergency Management (Web)
- Volunteer Protection Act Text of Public Law 105-19; the Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 as signed into law by President Clinton on June 18, 1997 + (Word doc)
- VT Emergency Alert System (Web)
- VT School Crisis Guide (Web)
- Guide to VT Town Clerks and other municipal resources
- FEMA NIMS/ICS Independent Study (Web)
- VT DPS Training Schedule (Web)
- CERT (Web)
CERT Guidebook
Short overview of what CERT volunteers do, training, activation, and responsibilities; 6pgs. + (PDF)
Haz-Mat Reporting Decision Flow Chart
Prepared by VEM, a simple flow chart to aid in hazardous materials reporting decisions. 1pg + (PDF)
- Civil Support Team Activation Protocols (Word doc)
- VT Communications Committee Part of DPS, responsible for implementing statewide interoperable voice/radio communications among responding agencies + "VCOMM" (Web)
Public Service Groups
HOPE (frmly Addison County Community Action) A
A A A A A Middlebury A 388-3608
A A A A A A Vergennes A 877-2677
Addison Community Action (CVOEO) A A 388-4802
A A A A A A Emergency Food Shelf A A A A A 800 639-2318 - VT Dept Health, Middlebury A A 388-4644
- Counseling Service of A. C. A 388-7641
- Parent Child Center A 388-3171 A
- Women Safe (24-hr) A 800 388-4205 A
- John Graham Shelter A A 877-2677 A
- A.C. Humane Society A A 388-1100 A
- AC Home Health A 388-7259
Champlain Valley Agency on Aging,
Sr. Help Line A A A A A 800 642-5119
Red CrossA A Burl 660-9130
A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A RutA A 773-9159 - VT 211 A dial: 211 A A \
- A.C Amateur Radio