Website of the Addison County Emergency Planning Committee
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- Home
- For Individuals/Families Tips & resources for making plans, supply kits, health/medical packets, pet preparedness, special needs, Evacuate, Shelter-In-Place, and more.
- For Business Businesses need emergency preparedness plans, too. Resources for planning for business continuity, employee safety, work-from-home options, contacts, Evacuate, Shelter-In-Place, Pandemic, and more.
- Emergency Managers This section is for town government officials, emergency managers, and others involved in their community's preparedness efforts. Guides, how-to's, plan templates...
- For First Responders Links, documents, resources for Fire and Rescue teams; VEM's Haz-mat info, grant monies, training resources...
- Haz-Mat Hazardous Materials regulations, info, downloads, ...
- Resources Links to related sites, FEMA, NIMS, VEM; downloadable docs, contacts, ...
Upcoming Meetings, Grants, Reports, Workshops, Trainings... & more
Also check the VEM website for training sessions.
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For Individuals & Families
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For Businesses / Organizations
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For Towns / Emergency Managers
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For First Responders
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Resources / Links