var sUserAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isIE = document.all?true:false; var isNS4 = document.layers?true:false; var isOp = (sUserAgent.indexOf('opera')!=-1)?true:false; var isMoz = (sUserAgent.indexOf('mozilla/5')!=-1 && sUserAgent.indexOf('opera')==-1 && sUserAgent.indexOf('msie')==-1)?true:false; // **************************************************************** // UPDATED: 9/7/07 BY: rc [ ] // // Make a new popup window... // Parameters: // oAnchor: required object reference to the anchor (link) // sWindow: string for the window name if wanting to reuse window or null string ('') to use the default. // sProps: string of window properties ('width=300,height=200') or null string ('') to use the defaults defined here. // Notes: // Notice in the example that the 'href' value maintains URL // (not "#" or "javascript:") and the 'title' attribute indicates // this will be a popup window. These things are required for // accessibility reasons. // Example use: // Take our survey! // Foo // Foo // **************************************************************** function pop(oAnchor,sWindow,sProps){ var sUrl = ''; if(oAnchor.getAttribute) sUrl = oAnchor.getAttribute('href'); if(sUrl=='' && isIE) sUrl = window.event.srcElement.getAttribute('href'); if(sUrl=='') sUrl = oAnchor.href; var sWindowName = sWindow?sWindow:'_blank'; if(!sProps) sProps = 'width=600,height=300,x=340,y=75,left=340,top=75,scrollbars,resizable'; if(sUrl) var oPopup =,sWindowName,sProps); // An Opera bug returns too early if you focus the window, so we don't focus it in that browser. // Only a noticable defect (in that browser) if a window is already open and hidden behind another window. if(oPopup && !isOp) oPopup.focus(); // If popup was created successfully, cancel link in calling window. // Acts as regular link in browser that has popup blocking enabled. return (oPopup)?false:true; } // Below is function for off-site Popups, with default sizes set. function pop_off(oAnchor,sWindow,sProps){ var sUrl = ''; if(oAnchor.getAttribute) sUrl = oAnchor.getAttribute('href'); if(sUrl=='' && isIE) sUrl = window.event.srcElement.getAttribute('href'); if(sUrl=='') sUrl = oAnchor.href; var sWindowName = sWindow?sWindow:'_blank'; if(!sProps) sProps = 'width=800,height=450,x=60,y=50,left=60,top=50,scrollbars,resizable,toolbar,menubar,location,status'; if(sUrl) var oPopup =,sWindowName,sProps); if(oPopup && !isOp) oPopup.focus(); return (oPopup)?false:true; } // Below is function for Login Popups, with default sizes set. function pop_on(oAnchor,sWindow,sProps){ var sUrl = ''; if(oAnchor.getAttribute) sUrl = oAnchor.getAttribute('href'); if(sUrl=='' && isIE) sUrl = window.event.srcElement.getAttribute('href'); if(sUrl=='') sUrl = oAnchor.href; var sWindowName = sWindow?sWindow:'_blank'; if(!sProps) sProps = 'width=750,height=400,x=75,y=20,left=75,top=20,scrollbars,resizable,toolbar,menubar,location,status'; if(sUrl) var oPopup =,sWindowName,sProps); if(oPopup && !isOp) oPopup.focus(); return (oPopup)?false:true; } //function for calendar pops function pop_cal(oAnchor,sWindow,sProps){ var sUrl = ''; if(oAnchor.getAttribute) sUrl = oAnchor.getAttribute('href'); if(sUrl=='' && isIE) sUrl = window.event.srcElement.getAttribute('href'); if(sUrl=='') sUrl = oAnchor.href; var sWindowName = sWindow?sWindow:'_blank'; if(!sProps) sProps = 'width=560,height=300,x=75,y=20,left=75,top=20,scrollbars,resizable'; if(sUrl) var oPopup =,sWindowName,sProps); if(oPopup && !isOp) oPopup.focus(); return (oPopup)?false:true; }